I don't remember when or where I got the bright idea to go back to school. I'm too too old for this. I bet Perry somehow or other put some kind of subliminal message on television or on CD. He did it so I would be stuck in this room looking at a computer for the last three years. It was his secret plan to keep me at home so I wouldn't spend any money or chase around the country having fun while he was stuck here working. If so, the plan has worked quite well.
Not only did I decide to get my masters but I had to decide to get it in a science. This means you not only have to write a thesis proposal, you also have to do it and then write about what you did or in my case, what I wasn't able to do. kill me now! please!
I've been in this room for three days straight! I leave the room to go to the kitchen to get snacks. I've gained at least 5 lbs in three days. If by some gift from heaven I am able to finish this writing in two weeks I will have gained around 25 lbs!
I've got to get finished! I can NOT take it any more!